Resources for supporting youth with anxiety problems, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Separation Anxiety Disorder.

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GAD-7: PDFs of the GAD-7 in many languages.

Helping Give Away Psychological Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Patient-facing interactive and self-scoring versions of the SCARED, GAD-7, PHQ-9, and many other instruments. Available in English.

Washington State CBT+ Initiative: Extensive online resource of four evidence-based pediatric Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions (CBT for depression, CBT for anxiety, trauma-focused CBT, and Parent Management Training). For patients with anxiety, see sections on “Coping Skills,” and “CBT for Anxiety.” For patients with trauma disorders, see also “CBT for Trauma” section.

TherapistAid Free Worksheets: Free printable worksheets for kids and teens on basic CBT concepts including the Cognitive Triangle, Core Beliefs, and Thinking Traps.

Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions: Parent-based treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems.

Addressing Mental Health Concerns in Pediatrics: A Practical Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 2nd edition: The tools in this toolkit align with the current AAP Mental Health Competencies for Pediatric Practice, giving you convenient access to core content, forms, screening and assessment resources, plus videos demonstrating conversation techniques firsthand.

AACAP Anxiety Resource Center: Clinician resources from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Virginia Mental Health Access Program Guide for Promoting Child and Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health in Primary Care (VMAP Guidebook): The VMAP Guidebook is a compilation of evidence-based practices, up-to-date resources, and practical knowledge specifically geared toward pediatric and adolescent health care providers.

Anxiety Care Guide: Care guide for pediatricians from Seattle Children’s Hospital and the Washington Physician Access Line.

Anxiety: Massachusetts CPAC Guidelines and Clinical Pearls: Guidelines and clinical pearls from the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program.

OCD: Massachusetts CPAC Guidelines and Clinical Pearls: Guidelines and clinical pearls from the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program.

Florida Best Practice Psychotherapeutic Medication Guide: Algorithms for the treatment of pediatric mental health issues in primary care settings.

Nationwide Children’s Prescribing Guide for Anxiety and Depression: 20-page care guide for pediatric primary care providers on treating patients with anxiety and depression.

Michigan Pediatric and Perinatal Psychopharmacology Cards: Reference cards from the MC3 mental health access program at the University of Michigan.

AAP Anxiety Coding Fact Sheet for Primary Care Pediatricians: Fact sheet from AAP including CPT codes with explanations, examples, and ICD-10 diagnosis codes.

AAP Trauma/Maltreatment Coding Fact Sheet for Primary Care Pediatricians: Fact sheet from AAP including CPT codes with explanations, examples, and ICD-10 diagnosis codes.

Coding for Pediatric and Adolescent Mental Health: Coding guidelines from the Virginia Mental Health Access Program Guidebook (page 37).

National Council for Mental Wellbeing Resources for Financing the Future of Integrated Care: Designed to help provider organizations sustainably finance integrated care. The Decision Support Tool (DST) empowers providers to estimate Medicare and Medicaid revenue across prominent integrated care services to finance these services more effectively in community mental health care, substance use treatment, and primary care provider organizations.

Pediatric Health Network Behavioral Health Initiative Presentations: August 2022 Pediatric Health Network Behavioral Health Initiative webinar on anxiety.

Pediatric Anxiety: 14-minute didactic presentation on pediatric anxiety from a Pediatric Health Network ECHO webinar series.

Helping Families Manage Anxiety: Resilience Breaks is a series of webinars for Maryland pediatricians from BHIPP.

School avoidance, somatic symptom disorders, psychopharmacology: Monthly webinar series for pediatricians from the ACCESS Mental Health Connecticut child mental health access program.

Therapy 101 for Pediatricians: Webinar from UCSF Benihoff Children’s Hospital.

Anxiety, SSRIs, perinatal anxiety/depression/trauma/OCD, perinatal paternal anxiety/depression, somatic symptom disorders, elimination disorders (enuresis and encopresis): Educational webinar series for primary care providers on pediatric and perinatal mental health from the MC3 mental health access program at the University of Michigan.