NEWS March 24, 2023
Challenges Facing Pediatricians Highlighted in Recent Washington Post Piece
Pediatricians and families are facing unprecedented challenges today due to medical shortages, the “tripledemic,” and more. Sandy Chung, M.D., President of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Medical Director of the Pediatric Health Network, addresses these challenges in a recent op-ed published by The Washington Post.
As highlighted in a recent op-ed published by the Washington Post, pediatricians are facing an increased risk of respiratory illnesses in children, medication shortages, and the compounding strain on the healthcare system as a result. In this article, Sandy Chung, M.D., President of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Medical Director at the Pediatric Health Network, addresses some of the new and existing challenges facing pediatricians during these trying times – and what can be done to address them.
“While not news to pediatricians, it is heartening to see this messaging and advocacy calling for more investment in children and pediatricians,” said Mark Weissman, M.D., executive medical director at the PHN. “Kudos to the author, Alyssa Rosenberg, and of course, Dr. Sandy Chung, for raising awareness and call for action.”