Substance Use
Resources for supporting families facing issues with substance use.
Screening and Assessment Tools
CRAFFT: The CRAFFT (Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble) is a well-validated substance use screening tool for adolescents ages 12 through 21. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics’s Bright Futures Guidelines for preventive care screenings and well-visits. The current version, 2.1+N, includes extra questions about alcohol and nicotine use.
AUDIT: The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) is a simple and effective method of screening for unhealthy alcohol use, defined as risky or hazardous consumption or any alcohol use disorder.
S2BI: The S2BI (Screening to Brief Intervention) tool consists of frequency of use questions to categorize substance use by adolescent patients into different risk categories. The accompanying resources assist clinicians in providing patient feedback and resources for follow-up.
BSTAD: The BSTAD (Brief Screener for Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs) tool consists of frequency of use questions to identify risky substance use by adolescent patients. The accompanying resources assist clinicians in providing patient feedback and resources for follow-up.
Treatment Tools
AAP Substance Use and Prevention: Resources for pediatricians from the AAP.
AACAP Substance Use Resource Center: Clinician resources from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Screening to Brief Intervention Toolkit (PDF): A 42-page PDF document from Massachusetts organizations including the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program.
Virginia Mental Health Access Program Guide for Promoting Child and Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health in Primary Care (VMAP Guidebook): The VMAP Guidebook is a compilation of evidence-based practices, up-to-date resources, and practical knowledge specifically geared towards pediatric and adolescent health care providers.”
Billing and Coding
Tobacco/E-Cigarettes Use/Exposure Coding Fact Sheet for Primary Care Pediatrics: Fact sheet from AAP, including CPT codes with explanations and examples, and ICD-10 diagnosis codes.
Substance Use/Abuse Coding Fact Sheet for Primary Care Pediatrics: Fact sheet from AAP, including CPT codes with explanations and examples, and ICD-10 diagnosis codes.
Coding for Pediatric and Adolescent Mental Health: Coding guidelines from the Virginia Mental Health Access Program Guidebook (page 37).
Webinars for Providers
Cannabis and Psychosis: Monthly webinar series for pediatricians from the ACCESS Mental Health Connecticut child mental health access program.
Youth Outpatient Substance Abuse seminar series: Webinar series from the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital.
Cannabis use during pregnancy; youth substance abuse: Educational webinar series for primary care providers on pediatric and perinatal mental health from the MC3 mental health access program at the University of Michigan.