Doctor’s Note: June Newsletter Introduction from Dr. Mark Weissman
Read Dr. Mark Weissman's June newsletter Doctor's Note to PHN members and make sure to subscribe to receive important updates and announcements from the network.

Future of Pediatrics: Agenda 2021
The 2021 Virtual Future of Pediatrics is coming soon, and we’re excited to share the detailed agenda with you. Remember to register yourself and your team today. We look forward to seeing you there!

Nurse’s Note: May Newsletter Introduction from Christina Driskill
Read Christina Driskill's May newsletter Nurse's Note to PHN members in honor of National Nurses Week, and make sure to subscribe to receive important updates and announcements from the network.

You Asked, We Listened: New Options for PHN Quality Improvement Participation
We've received feedback from our network that the Asthma Initiative is more demanding than expected, given the unprecedented strain of the past year and ongoing demands on practice resources. We want to be responsive to this feedback while upholding the requirements for membership to a clinically integrated network.

May Vaccines Newsletter: COVID-19, New Product Information for VAXELIS™, and More
Read our most recent Vaccines Newsletter for important vaccine updates, including new product information on VAXELIS™, and make sure to subscribe to receive announcements from the network in the future.

Doctor’s Note: April Newsletter Introduction from Dr. Sandy Chung
Read Dr. Sandy Chung's April newsletter note to PHN members, and make sure to subscribe to receive important updates and announcements from the network.

Doctor’s Note: March Newsletter Introduction from Dr. Hamburger
Read Dr. Ellie Hamburger's March newsletter note to PHN members, and make sure to subscribe to receive important updates and announcements from the network.

Doctor’s Note: February Newsletter Introduction from Dr. Weissman
Read Dr. Mark Weissman's February newsletter note to PHN members, and make sure to subscribe to receive important updates and announcements from the network.

Advancing Asthma Care February Progress Note: Catch Up with the Initiative in 3 Easy Steps
Advancing Asthma Care has successfully launched - act now! Click here for a list of upcoming deadlines for the initiative.

COVID-19 Resources from the Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
The Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics published their list of helpful resources in their recent newsletter for pediatric providers. Here are some of our favorites.